Project Administrator, Site Services
office: (843) 735-5149 :: email
Maureen Coughlin has been part of the ADC family since January 1998. During those 15 years, her role has advanced from receptionist to site services project coordinator.
Maureen’s primary responsibility is project administration of design documents and permit application packages. Through the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), Maureen is a Certified Construction Specifier (CCS) and Construction Document Technologist (CDT). These certifications have also enabled her to support the development and issuance of procurement packages for the site services team and subsequent administration of construction observation activities.
She also plays a supporting role in the development of marketing materials, proposals/contracts, invoicing, and accounts payable.
Maureen, a native of New Hampshire, attended New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro, New Mexico and received her Bachelor of Science in Materials Engineering. Prior to moving to the Charleston area in 1997, her prior employment experience included transuranic waste/material management for the Department of Energy at various installations including the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in Carlsbad, NM and Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, NM.